Deborah Anderson

Curtis Kofoed

Tina M. Martinez

Heather Hoechst

Family Law Attorneys Serving Durango, Cortez, Pagosa Springs &
Surrounding Areas

The law Firm of Anderson & Baker, LLC focuses on family law and has been serving La Plata, Archuleta, Montezuma, San Juan, and San Miguel counties and the surrounding area since 1979. We are dedicated to easing your stress during your legal proceedings and to finding creative solutions to help you and your family move forward with confidence.

Our law firm handles Family Law issues such as:

✓ Premarital, Marital, and Civil Union planning and Agreements
✓ Dissolution of Marriages and Civil Unions/Legal Separations
✓ Allocations of Assets and Liabilities in Dissolutions and Legal Separations
✓ Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities Concerning Children
✓ Rights of Grandparents, Step-parents, Psychological Parents
✓ Blended Family, Cultural, Gender and Orientation Issues in Family Law
✓ Family Support, Child Support and Spousal Maintenance
✓ Family-related Civil Litigation
✓ Adult and Child Guardianship, Conservatorships and Powers of Attorney
✓ Collaborative and Limited Representation Options In Appropriate Cases
✓ Conflict Resolution Services, including Moderation of Settlement Conferences and Mediator Services
✓ Intimate Partner Violence Representation

Whatever the situation you find yourself in, you’ll want confidence in your legal representation. The Law Firm of Anderson & Baker, LLC provides you with expert legal advice, and diligent representation. We understand that our client’s must be well informed to make decisions throughout this process. You can rest assured that you will have a highly qualified team of professionals handling your case.