Deborah Anderson

Curtis Kofoed

Tina M. Martinez

Heather Hoechst

Southwest Colorado Family Law Firm

The Law Firm of Anderson & Baker, LLC has been practicing family law in Durango since 1979. In addition to Durango, we represent clients from Cortez, Pagosa Springs, Telluride, Silverton and the surrounding area. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable lawyers effectively provide high quality legal services. Review our areas of practice below.

Premarital, Marital & Civil Union Planning and Agreements

Premarital and civil union planning and agreements are a common legal step taken before marriage or civil unions. Marital agreements can also be entered into after the marriage. This process establishes the property and financial rights of each spouse in the event of a divorce. Call us to discuss this process and to see if it is something that could benefit you in the long run. Marital agreements are typically utilized to help protect individual or family assets. Reliance on trusted counsel to help navigate these dealings is critical. Whether you are protecting your assets or fighting for what you deserve, our legal team will represent you, providing you with the results you deserve.

Dissolution of Marriage & Civil Unions & Legal Separations

The dissolution of civil unions is similar to divorce, but has significant differences. A legal separation proceedings keeps the marriage intact but provides for orders dividing property & debts, and orders for child support/allocation of parental responsibilities and spousal maintenance. Ending any relationship you thought would last a lifetime can be detrimentally devastating. Taking the time to seek legal advice is an important step in the process. So whether you are ending a civil union or marriage, our experienced attorneys have the knowledge to lead you through this difficult time.

Allocation of Parental Rights & Responsibilities Concerning Children

The allocation of parental rights and responsibilities determines the arrangement of how the children will spend time with each parent, how decisions will be made concerning the child(ren) and how the child(ren)’s needs will be supported financially. Allocation of parental rights includes a determination of  time spent, child support, tax exemptions, health insurance and much more.

Rights of Grandparents, Step-parents & Psychological Parents

In some circumstances grandparents or other persons who are not biological or adoptive parents may nonetheless seek and possibly obtain visitation or other parental rights.

Blended Family, Cultural, Gender & Orientation Issues in Family Law

Each family has its own dynamic and each family dispute presents its own unique set of issues. Cultural concerns, gender identity, and diversity sensitivity can add new layers to family law questions that are already complex. Anderson & baker’s experienced and creative attorneys can think outside the box and can help you and your family negotiate these challenges.

Spousal Maintenance, Family Support & Child Support

Spousal Maintenance is financial support from one spouse to the other when a marriage or civil union ends by divorce or legal separation. There are many factors which determine the amount of support one receives, so hiring a lawyer is crucial. Child support in Colorado is set by guidelines but can involve complicated issues depending on the specific case.

Family Related Civil Litigation

Family disputes can sometimes go beyond the limits of a typical domestic relations case, implying the need for separate civil litigation. Civil litigation can sometimes be the only way to resolve those types of disputed issues.

Adult & Child Guardianship, Conservatorship and Powers of Attorney

Guardianship is a court appointment which gives a person or an organization responsibility and authority for making certain decisions on behalf of an individual who is unable to manage his/her own affairs and make his/her own decisions. A conservatorship is a court appointment for an adult who is either incapacitated, cannot be located, or incarcerated. Once a conservator is appointed he or she has the responsibility to prevent waste or dissipation of the protected person’s assets. A conservator also is tasked with managing the funds to provide for the support, or welfare of the protected person. Powers of Attorney allow an adult to delegate authority to a third party.

Collaborative Options in Appropriate Cases and Limited Representation

We also offer services moderating settlement negotiations between parties or as a neutral mediator in cases where we do not represent either party and both parties have attorneys. These alternative dispute resolution services can also be handled in a team approach which involves two attorneys working as a brainstorming team in conceiving creative solutions to your conflicts.

Conflict Resolution Services, Including Moderation of Settlement Conferences

We also offer services as a neutral mediator in cases where we do not represent either party and both parties have attorneys. Mediation can also be handled in a team approach which involves two mediators working as a brainstorming team in conceiving creative solutions to your conflicts.

Mediation and Limited Representative Services to Intimate Partner Violence Representation and Protection Orders

We assist parties seeking protection orders as well as defend parties who have had frivolous claims made against them.

Appeals from Family Law Cases

If you believe the Court has arrived at the wrong conclusion in your case, we are available to help analyze it immediately after court resolution to assist you in assessing whether or not an appellate procedure is appropriate. We are also available to represent you in pursuing an appeal if appropriate.